
List seven sets of homonyms from the spelling lesson. Example: here hear


autumn season of the year following summer
canvas a heavy woven fabric used for tents, sails, and paintings
canvass to survey a group of people for a specific purpose
cession handing something over to another
changeable unstable; likely to be different from one time to the next
consonance agreement
consonants letters of the alphabet which are not vowels
council an assembly or group of people called together for a specific purpose
counsel advise
cygnet young swan
dying ceasing to live
dyeing to color something with a permanent coloring
emersion coming out into view
grater a utensil used to shred vegetables, cheese, and other foods
greater larger, bigger
holy spiritually worthy of special respect
immersion a plunge under water
manner way of doing something
manor main house on an estate
session a meeting or series of meetings
signet a seal used on official documents
traceable able to be followed
wholly completely