Respuesta :
Mi vida en los Estados Unidos ha sido bastante interesante. He conocido mucha gente nueva y he hecho muy buenos amigos que me han ayudado con mi inglés. La escuela secundaria me llamó mucho la atención porque existen grupos de chicos a los cuales llaman "los populares". Ser popular en la escuela secundaria en Estados Unidos es algo que al parecer es muy importante. Los chicos populares generalmente son jugadores de futbol americano y las chicas populares generalmente son porristas. Es como se suele ver en las películas. La vida estadounidense es muy interesante por eso quiero seguir viviendo aquí.
In this exercise you have to write a short paragraph in Spanish in which you have to imagine a conversation with a friend at a café in Barcelona. So you have to think about your life in the Unites States and you also have to use at least three different forms of verbs.
For example:
My life in the United States has been quite interesting. I have met many new people and I made very good friends who have helped me with my English. High school caught my attention because there are groups of guys who are called "the popular". Being popular in a high school is something that is apparently very important for students. Popular boys are generally football players and popular girls are generally cheerleading. It is as we usually see in movies. American life is very interesting so I want to continue living here.