Use this tax table to find how much tax you need to pay on a taxable income of $25,000.
If taxable income is over-- But not over-- The tax is:
$0 $7,825 10 percent of the amount over $0
$7,825 $31,850 $782.50 plus 15 percent of the amount over 7,825
$31,850 $77,100 $4,386.25 plus 25 percent of the amount over 31,850
$77,100 $160,850 $15,698.75 plus 28 percent of the amount over 77,100
$160,850 $349,700 $39,148.75 plus 33 percent of the amount over 160,850
$349,700 no limit $101,469.25 plus 35 percent of the amount over 349,700