Which of the following has not occurred as a result of oil production and distribution around the Persian Gulf? A. Loss of plant and animal life due to pollution B. Particles in the atmosphere clearing the surrounding air C. Leakages polluting the water near ocean terminals D. Low CO2 emissions per capita

Respuesta :

Taking a look at the choices we have, we will find that two of these choices have already occurred as a result of oil production and distribution around the Persian Gulf. These choices are:
A. Loss of plant and animal life due to pollution
C. Leakages polluting the water near ocean terminals

Based on this, we will exclude choices A and C and start considering choices B and D.
Choice D represents the opposite of choices A and C. Therefore, D is the correct choice.

D. Low CO2 emissions per capita


The answer is option D.


Investigating the decisions we have, we will locate that two of these decisions have just happened subsequently of oil generation and circulation around the Persian Gulf. These decisions are:   Loss of plant and creature life because of contamination   Spillages contaminating the water close sea terminals  In light of this, we will exclude choices An and C and begin thinking about decisions B and D.  Decision D speaks to the inverse of decisions An and C. Consequently, D is the right decision.