
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
1. Which one of the following is a reversible change?
water changing into ice
(c) bread turning mouldy
2. An irreversible change takes place when :
(a) salt is added to water
Vice melts
(b) nails becoming rusty
(d) paper burning into ash
3. When ice melts to form water, then a change occurs in its :
(a) position
(b) temperature
4. Which one of the following is a beneficial change?
(a) rusting of an iron object
(c) ripening of fruit
5. When ice-cream melts:
A. Heat is lost from the ice-cream
C. Heat is lost from the air
(b) charcoal burns
(d) an iron nail is magnetised
(d) composition
(b) spoilage of food
(c) state
(d) souring of milk
B. Heat is gained by the ice-cream
D. Heat is gained by the air
(a) A and B
(b) A and C
(c) B and C
(d) B and D