If we think about consequentialism and hedonism, • a. we would say that hedonism is one concept that is part of a consequentialist ethical perspective. • D. we would say that hedonism is not at all important in consequentialism. • c. we would say that hedonism is exacly the same as consequentialism. • d. we would definitely say that Aristotle is exactly the same kind of ethical thinker as Mill.

Respuesta :


A. We would say that hedonism is one concept that is part of a consequentialist ethical perspective.


Consequentialism is the class of normative ethical theories that suggests that the consequences of one’s conduct are the ultimate basis for any judgment about the rightness or wrongness of that conduct. Hedonism can be considered a form of consequentialism, as it evaluates the ethical worth of actions based on the pleasure and pain they produce. However, hedonism is not the only form of consequentialism, nor is it synonymous with consequentialism itself. Additionally, Aristotle and Mill are different kinds of ethical thinkers, with Aristotle not being a consequentialist in the same way Mill is. Mill’s utilitarianism, which includes hedonistic elements, is a form of consequentialism.