Respuesta :

Hello... *That weird vibrating noise you hear at 3 am* I'm a Refrigerator.

I... Refrigerate things... y'know keep your food nice and cold so it doesn't good bad... all day... I just sit in the kitchen... doing nothing... while you people open me up and put random things inside me... never stopped to think how a kitchen appliance feels.. you humans let me sit there all day and night.. and when I break down all you do is buy a new one. *That weird vibrating noise you hear at 3 am* All you people do is put magnets on my face and your kid's drawings on me. And sometimes even some dirt or grime or whatever... *That weird vibrating noise you hear at 3 am*

Anyway... Uh- Wait, I think you forgot to upload a picture. Please do so, so this Refrigerator can assist you. I will wait forever since I can't move.