Activity 1. a) What do you understand by the 'hot summer night's buzz? b) What kind of a word is 'buzz' by way of its sound? (Can you spell the word correctly?) 2. a) What does the poet mean by the 'flood' of the 'silver moon'? Explain the metaphor. b) With its two initial 'f' sounds, 'flood filled' is an example of... what? c) The 'flood filled my soul' is of course figurative language - a metaphor, in fact. But it is also a huge idea, and so is called... Supply the missing technical term. 3. How can the 'shores' of this lake be 'unperplexed'? Explain what the poet is saying. 4. a) He approached the water's edge, and then he 'crumpled the wet water's edge'. What did he do? b) Explain the image of this crumpling of the water's edge. Can you see what's happening?