Alliteration, metaphor, repetition, imagery
1. "Sneer of cold command" - This line uses the literary device of alliteration, where the repetition of the "c" sound in "sneer" and "cold command" creates a musical and rhythmic effect.
2. "That colossal Wreck, boundless and bare" - This line contains two literary devices. Firstly, it uses the literary device of metaphor by describing the ruined statue of Ozymandias as a "colossal Wreck," comparing it to something broken and destroyed. Secondly, it employs the literary device of repetition with the repetition of the "b" sound in "boundless and bare," creating a sense of emphasis and rhythm.
3. "Lone and level sands stretch far away" - This line uses the literary device of alliteration with the repetition of the "l" sound in "lone" and "level," which adds a musical quality to the line. Additionally, it employs the literary device of imagery by describing the vast expanse of sand stretching "far away," evoking a sense of desolation and emptiness.