Consider an experiment in which a cloud of silver atoms emitted from a hot oven is passed through a collimator to create a beam of spin 1/2 particles. This beam is then fed into two different experimental setups, as follows:
The experimentalist tosses a coin and then the atom beam passes through a Stern-Gerlach device oriented in the +z direction which splits the beam into two. Depending on the results of the coin toss, one of the beams is randomly discarded and the other is directed into the next room.
The atom beam passes through a Stern-Gerlach device oriented in such a way as to generate a beam of particles in the state (1/√2) |"↑"> + (1/√2) |"↓"> that is likewise directed into the next room while the other beam is discarded.
Which direction would the Stern-Gerlach device have to be oriented in to produce a beam of particles as described in ii.?
Note that there are no random choices.

a) +x direction
b) +y direction
c) -z direction
d) +z direction