Biden Faces’ Long American winterWinter has come, trees have lost their leaves, and President Joe Biden is disillusioned. For the USthe outlook at the international and domestic levels is bleak: a climate catastrophe with seriousconsequences, a growing political and military threat from Russia in Europe, and fiercecompetition from China in the east. At home, the United States faces a serious weakening of itspolitical svstemHawks in both parties denounced Mr Biden for compromising on Russia. First, they wantWashington en ntervane wihe decisioe milta aid ohen bhey ore sconnced that if the aup ited avocal as they once were, with memories of Mr. Trump’s controversial ties to RussiaAfter the disastrous withdrawal from Afahanistan, all opinion polls suagest that American societwill never support new military interventions abroad that could spiral into serious internationalconflicts.
Putin is testing the strength and resolve of his American and European rivals. While all possibilitie.cannot be ruled out, this is not so much a military invasion of Ukraine as an attempt to influencethe stability of Kiev’s rule.Mr Biden’s response was twofold: On the one hand, he threatened Russia with the full ranae oteconomic and political sanctions at the United States’ disposal, even blocking its access to theinternational financial system. Sanctions will have a severe impact on the Russian economy. TheUS, on the other hand, will have to find ways to defend Ukraine’s independence without outrightprovoking Russia
The United States may suspend further arms supplies to Ukraine. but it will not in any wayguarantee that Ukraine will not become a member of NATO or the European Union. Perhaps theUnited States could assuage Russian military concerns by negotiating a new agreement onstrategic arms and conventional forces