Harry Houdini: Scaring the Ghosts Lance Carson Born Ehrich Weiss, Harry Houdini was a master of illusion. Houdini earned an international reputation as an escape artist who dramatically freed himself from ropes, shackles, and handcuffs. He was married to Wilhelmina Rahner, who, as Beatrice Houdini, was his stage assistant. He performed on vaudeville and was also in many motion pictures. Houdini built his career on creating tricks and illusions--freeing himself from chains and making an elephant disappear. He was also interested in exposing fraud and showing how people could be tricked into believing something was real when it wasn't. He was especially critical of the production of "spirit photographs" in which the ghost of a well-known figure appeared to be present with someone. To demonstrate his point, Houdini had himself photographed with the ghost of Abraham Lincoln. Of course it wasn't really Lincoln--it was trick photography. What other kinds of things do you think he tried to expose? The next kind of fraud that Houdini worked to expose was a little more complicated. At that time, people held séances (spiritual meetings to communicate with the dead) where spiritual hands of dead people would appear and leave fingerprints. This kind of fraud was known as "fingerprinting a spirit." What happened was the person committing the fraud would make a mold of a dead person's hand. Then, during a séance with the dead person's relatives, fingerprints from the hand would mysteriously appear. Why do you think it was important to Houdini to expose this kind of behavior? Houdini was very close to his mother and when she died, he was devastated. One reason he wanted to expose this kind of deception was because he wanted to prevent people from taking advantage of grieving relatives. Another reason was because there was big money involved in this kind of deception. In one case, Houdini said that $500,000 "changed hands upon the recognition of the fingerprints of a man who had died two years before." Because Houdini challe

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Houdini's mission to expose fraud extended beyond just spirit photography and "fingerprinting a spirit." He also worked to debunk various forms of mediumship, psychic phenomena, and other claims of supernatural abilities. For example:

1. Mediumship: Houdini was critical of mediums who claimed to communicate with the spirits of the deceased. He often attended séances in disguise to uncover the methods behind the supposed supernatural occurrences, such as table-turning, levitation, and spirit voices.

2. Psychic Phenomena: Houdini investigated and exposed individuals who claimed to possess psychic powers, such as telekinesis, mind reading, and clairvoyance. He demonstrated how these feats could be achieved through sleight of hand, mentalism, and other tricks of the trade.

3. Spiritual Healing: Houdini also challenged the claims of spiritual healers who purported to cure illnesses through supernatural means. He believed that such practices preyed on the vulnerable and exploited their trust for personal gain.

4. Astrology and Fortune-telling: Houdini was skeptical of astrology, palmistry, and other forms of divination that claimed to predict the future or reveal hidden truths about individuals. He exposed the methods used by practitioners to manipulate and deceive their clients.

Overall, Houdini's efforts to expose fraudulent practices stemmed from a desire to protect the public from exploitation, uphold the principles of rational inquiry, and promote skepticism and critical thinking. He believed that people should not be deceived by claims of the supernatural without evidence, and he dedicated much of his life to revealing the truth behind such phenomena.