The following passage of text should be separated into 3 paragraphs.
Select the words that start the 2 new paragraphs.
A perfect smile was once confined to the rich and beautiful. Now, however, according to the latest market report from the Osborne-Wang research agency, the public’s fascination with social media photos has led to a mushrooming demand for gleaming grins. During just the last 3 months, for example, the UK market for cosmetic dentistry grew 12% to £7.5 billion. The most eyebrow-raising statistic, though, is that professional dentists actually reported a sharp decline in bleaching procedures. O-W’s conclusion, therefore, is that the growth must be coming from sales of DIY teeth whitening products that people are buying over-the-counter or online, and that revelation has, in turn, led some to urge caution. The Dental-Surgical Council, a 120-year-old institution, has warned, for example, about the dangers of DIY dentistry. "I've seen some real horror stories in my time," said DSC spokeswoman Dr Priti Roy. "When it comes to oral health, people really should think twice before undertaking any procedures on themselves."