
what is the act of declaring a drivers license void and terminated when it is determined that the license was issued through error or fraud.

Respuesta :

Under the Uniform Act or also known as Motor Vehicle Drivers’ Licenses Act, Section 483.040, that is the definition of cancelled or cancellation. If  a driving  license is  cancelled or  suspended under this section, the  Court shall  get the  driving license  in its  keeping, recommend the  cancellation or,  as the case may be, suspension, thereon and send the driving license so endorsed to the authority by which the license was  issued or  last renewed  and  such  authority  shall,  on receiving of  the license,  keep the license in its safe custody, and in the case  of a  suspended license,  return the  license to  the owner thereof after the expiry of the period of suspension on an application prepared by him for such return.