Respuesta :

A local example of changes in economy and culture is the case of the Lower Nicola Indian Band in Merritt, BC Canada. In the town of Merritt, it is very A obvious that the First Nations people are in the mainstream of the local society as they are seen everywhere, ie working at McDonald's and at the local 7-11 for example. In the past it would have been mostly white people in these jobs. Also, at an Open House of the above Indian Band inviting all consultants and people with industrial activity on their land, they had a booth for their members who work at preserving their culture and traditional language. 
On a global scale, in Latinamerica in the last 20 years there has been a revolution in the type of governments that the people have won in countries like Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia,  El Salvador and Nicaragua for example. These governments control the economy to benefit primarily the vast majority of the poor people and help lift them out of poverty. Culturally, they show reverence for their heroes of the past  like Simon Bolivar in Venezuela, for example.