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HRM implication for the globalization of the workforce for a corporation is that they misunderstand the cultural differences and factors that motive and persuade their decision making processes, especially in the new countries which might have an entirely different cultures.
These difference in cultures will lead to difference in perception and difference in which managerial method that actually will be the most effective

In Hofstede’s, Trompenaar’s and the GLOBE models cross-cultural dimension all vary in approach when it comes to HRM. Hofstede states there are five aspects of culture which are individualism-collectivism, power distance, masculinity, long-term orientation and uncertainty avoidance. However, Trompenaar’s identified seven dimensions which were Universalism vs. Particularism, Time as sequence vs. Time as synchronization, Analyzing vs. Integrating, Individualism vs. Communitarianism, Inner- directed vs. Outer-directed, ,Achieved status vs. Ascribed status, Equality vs. Hierarchy (Parrott, 2013).

GLOBE identified nine dimensions which are performance orientation, institutional collectivism, in-group collectivism, future direction, humane orientation, assertiveness, gender egalitarianism, uncertainty avoidance and power distance. Any organization HRM can adopt any of the theory which will be beneficial to it.