Complete the passage given below choosing the correct alternatives:

5 U
Grade X / English / 25

In Sonnet 55, the speaker (a) ……... (of/in) the poem claims that (b) …… (its/his)
powerful rhyme (c) …... (have/will) outlast marble and gilded monuments, (d) ……
(keeping/keep) the youth's memory alive (e) …… (until/beyond) the Judgement Day.
The poem reflects (f) ……... (the/a) common view during the Elizabethan age (g) ……...
(which/that) the entire world was (h) ……... (in/on) a process of gradual decay and
decline as humanity (i) ………. (moved/move) through time towards the Last
Judgement, the Judeo-Christian idea of apocalypse (j) ………. (and/or) an end of time.