Pick out the Clauses in the following Compound Sentences d tell the kind of each.

1. We ought to rejoice but we must rejoice with trembling
2. God made the country and man made the town.
3. Man proposes and God disposes. 4*There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
5. He will act honourably in this matter, or shall be greatly disappointed.
6. Prosperity gains friends and adversity tries them.
7. They found the horse indeed; but it distressed them to see it; for it was lame. 8. Either he or his brother must have stolen my watch; for no other person was present there.
9. His father argued with him and his mother appealed to him with tears, but still he pursued his foolish course.​

Respuesta :



1. We ought to rejoice but we must rejoice with trembling

This sentence is a compound sentence consisting of two independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction "but".

The clauses in this sentence are:

"We ought to rejoice"

Kind: Independent clause

"we must rejoice with trembling"

Kind: Independent clause

2. God made the country and man made the town.

This sentence is a compound sentence consisting of two independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction "and".

The clauses in this sentence are:

"God made the country"

Kind: Independent clause

"man made the town"

Kind: Independent clause

3. Man proposes and God disposes.

This sentence is a compound sentence consisting of two independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction "and".

The clauses in this sentence are:

"Man proposes"

Kind: Independent clause

"God disposes"

Kind: Independent clause

4. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.

This sentence is a compound sentence consisting of two independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction "but".

The clauses in this sentence are:

"There is nothing either good or bad"

Kind: Independent clause

"thinking makes it so"

Kind: Independent clause

5. He will act honourably in this matter, or shall be greatly disappointed.

This sentence is a compound sentence consisting of two independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction "or".

The clauses in this sentence are:

"He will act honourably in this matter"

Kind: Independent clause

"shall be greatly disappointed"

Kind: Independent clause

6. Prosperity gains friends and adversity tries them.

This sentence is a compound sentence consisting of two independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction "and".

The clauses in this sentence are:

"Prosperity gains friends"

Kind: Independent clause

"adversity tries them"

Kind: Independent clause

7. They found the horse indeed; but it distressed them to see it; for it was lame.

This sentence is a compound sentence consisting of three independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunctions "but" and "for".

The clauses in this sentence are:

"They found the horse indeed"

Kind: Independent clause

"it distressed them to see it"

Kind: Independent clause

"for it was lame"

Kind: Independent clause

8. Either he or his brother must have stolen my watch; for no other person was present there.

This sentence is a compound sentence consisting of two independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction "for".

The clauses in this sentence are:

"Either he or his brother must have stolen my watch"

Kind: Independent clause

"no other person was present there"

Kind: Independent clause

9. His father argued with him and his mother appealed to him with tears, but still he pursued his foolish course.

This sentence is a compound sentence consisting of three independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunctions "and" and "but".

The clauses in this sentence are:

"His father argued with him"

Kind: Independent clause

"his mother appealed to him with tears"

Kind: Independent clause

"still he pursued his foolish course"

Kind: Independent clause