Canadian Taxation:
Could anyone please help me with the below question in regards to the Capital Gain Calculation for Class 14.1 Assets (Goodwill)?

The PDF for question 1 has been attached.
On Fact 4, Goodwill (Class 14.1) has an Original Cost of $32,000 with Proceeds of $40,000.

Shouldn't this have resulted in a Capital Gain of $40,000 - $32,000 = $8,000 and an addition of $8,000*0.5 = $4,000 to Taxable Income? This was not included in the recommended answer.

According to the CRA website on Capital Gains for Depreciable Property, there is a Capital Gain when the Proceeds > Adjusted Cost Basis - Related Selling Costs. As the pool for Class 14.1 is not reduced to below zero and still includes other properties, there should not be any Recapture or Terminal Loss.

This was my conclusion drawn from the treatment of Class 1 Assets (Buildings) from the answer, and correct me if my understanding is incorrect.
Thank you!