Respuesta :
l term mixed economy refers to an economic model that incorporates elements of both free market economy and the planned economy, or a proposal in which there are both privadadel capitalism as community property or public property of socialism (general, though not exclusively opública state form) to include a broader social considerations economic system, for example, ethics, social justice, social welfare, sustainable management delmedio environment, etc. [1] Furthermore, the term does not EXEMPT discussion, nor is there a strict definition commonly accepted, either in English [2] or Castilian [3] (definitions vary according to the appearance that different authors consider central). For example, Jeffrey Sachs says: Well. ... I believe in what is called a mixed economy: elgobiernoasumiendo Losmercados and responsibility for the environment, for the poor, for lainfraestructura, and when I look around the world which work best, I really like economies, eg in the paísesescandinavos, Norway, Sweden and Denmark, which have a private market economy, but the government also assumes responsibility for the health sector, basic infrastructure, laeducación, creates a more equitable distribution of income, and it solves Best environmental problems, and is a little more just, I think ... and also more stable than the kind of system we have in the United States, which leaves a lot of very poor people, leaves many things to market. [ 4]
I think I hope it helps a little
I think I hope it helps a little