which choices will help you cut back on expenses so that you can spend more money on promotions or advertising check all that apply 1. Move to a higher-reng building 2. Use less-expensive ingredients 3. Look for discounted or used machines 4. Hire a young employee at minimum wage 5. Hire a manager to help the business grow

Respuesta :

the answer to the question you are looking for is 2,3,4

In order to cut back expenses you can:

  • 2. Use less-expensive ingredients
  • 3. Look for discounted or used machines
  • 4. Hire a young employee at minimum wage

There are several strategies to cutting costs in the catering business include:

  • using less expensive ingredients which would reduce the cost of cooking
  • purchasing discounted or used machines at a lower price
  • hiring younger employees who do not mind being paid the minimum wage

In conclusion, using less ingredients, buying cheaper machines and paying the minimum wage are all ways to reduce costs.

Find out more at https://brainly.com/question/6589642.