Of the following, who is the most important influence on children's self-referent thought?
A. Family
B. Friends
C. Teachers
D. Themselves
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect
4. A good way to help boost self-esteem in a child is to
A. encourage the child to engage in competitive activities with his or her classmates.
B. share problems you're experiencing with the child and ask for his or her help.
C. point out errors in class work or activities so he or she can make improvements.
D. ask the child to share a special talent or skill with the class.
Student Answer: A
Answer: Incorrect
5. What is the style of discipline in which the teacher or parent establishes rules, monitors the child's behavior, then enforces rules by administering appropriate punishment?
A. Authoritarian
B. Democratic
C. Dictatorial
D. Autocratic
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect
6. According to many social scientists, adolescence ends for most people
A. when they become independent from their parents.
B. by the time the person reaches age 20.
C. when they're most comfortable with and have a clear understanding of who they are.
D. when the physical and intellectual changes of puberty have occurred.
Student Answer: A
Answer: Incorrect
7. Of the following, which is the best example of appropriate praise given to a child?
A. "You're always so helpful. Thanks for helping me clean up the classroom today."
B. "Thank you for your help today in cleaning up the classroom. You really did a great job."
C. "What a good guy you are. I know I can always count on you to help me clean up."
D. "No wonder your mother always calls you 'Mr. Clean.' You're always willing to clean up after yourself."
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect
14. The most important reason why teachers and teacher aides should be strong leaders in the classroom is because it
A. gives students a sense of security and feeling of belonging.
B. helps students to respect authority later in life.
C. improves students' academic performance.
D. prevents children from misbehaving.
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect
17. All of the following are aspects of children who may be at risk for low self-esteem except which one?
A. Children of divorced or dysfunctional families
B. Learning or developmentally disabled children
C. Children from low-income families
D. Handicapped or physically disabled children
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect
19. Most often during adolescence, a child is least likely to approach which of the following for support of his or her self-esteem?
A. A parent
B. A coach
C. A sibling
D. A friend
Student Answer: D
Answer: Incorrect
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