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You and your sibling, whose name is Bob, go to your favorite store calledChase Fun Place. There, your sibling finds a toy to buy, called a ChaseANTOR. He really wants this toy. The toy is labeled $3.99, and so he brings itto the cashier. The cashier tells your sibling, “That will be $4.19.” Your siblingremoves four dollar bills from a pocket and then, finding no more money,starts to cry. He turns to you and begins asking questions as you as you walkaway from the counter.“Why was the label wrong? It said $3.99!”Your respond, “It rang up as $4.19 because of sales tax. These are going tothe government. We pay other types of taxes to government such as propertytax.“Why do we pay them? It seems so unfair! Now I can’t have my toy!”You respond, “We pay them because the government proves services.Governments at each level provide services such as money for schools. Ithelps the economy because it proves a barrier that a companies has to oweto the government so prices can’t go lower that a certain point. half of what i found
Taxes are money paid to a government. The government uses all the money he gets from us paying taxes to fix roads, sidewalls, buildings and etc.
A budget is a plan to save money. The purpose of a budget is to spend less that how much money you have.
A nation’s budget has thousands of pages of information. A personal budget is a budget you make for yourself.