Write and solve a division problem that divides a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number.How did you estimate the first digit of the quotient

Respuesta :

Place the divisor (47) afore the division bracket and place the dividend (3654) under it.
the first two digits of the dividend (36). The number 36 is less than 47 so it can't be divided by 47 to engender a whole number. Next take the first three digits of the dividend (365) and determine how many 47's it contains. The number 365 contains seven 47's (7*47=329) but not eight (8*47=376). Place the 7 above the division bracket and directly above the 5.
multiply 7 by 47 
you'll get an answer for 77 R35

All you have to do is Divide by 2 like 4divided by 4 witch u get 8