For this, I'll just say you chose "word watcher". I think I read maybe the first few chapters in this book last year. This book was actually quite confusing to me. I guess it was just the names that threw me off. Here is a sample off what you can say:
There are many details from this story that are worthy to share in a literary discussion. For this story, I chose word watcher as my character role. Using my role, I would discuss the different names and their meanings for a literary discussion. In the story, the author used different names. For example, the main character's name was "moon shadow lee". My reading role greatly helped me better understand the story. Rather than skimming through the book, I was able to slow down and recognize the different words and names the author uses. For example, the main characters father, "wind rider" was a kit maker. "wind rider" was a good name for him, because it really described, what he does and aspires to do.