Respuesta :
The correct option is B
Roosevelt was in favor of a strong federal power, capable of regulating the economic activity of the country. It attacked the big private companies and its economic policy was against the monopoly, which it accused of obtaining enormous benefits to the detriment of the consumers, and initiates proceedings against the big capitalists of the railroad, of the petroleum and of the agri-food industry. The formal beginning of this crusade against the industrial trusts takes place in a long speech of more than 30 pages that it pronounces in the House of Representatives.
Theodore Roosevelt is committed to getting the Sherman Act respected. It also intervenes to arbitrate the conflict between the striking miners and the employers; this fact allows them to achieve an 8-hour day and fairer wages for the workers, which was called an "equitable agreement". Roosevelt belongs to the progressive current and some conflicts, like the one that faced the banker J. P. Morgan gave him that reputation in history.
Roosevelt is the first president who cares effectively for the conservation of natural spaces and wildlife. It created the bases of the system of National Parks, of National Monuments and of National Forests as well as of the Natural Reserves, making pass these lands to the federal control.