Being a primitive organism on a the evolutionary ladder means that the man- of- war

(1) does not move by its own power
(2) has no organized actions and demands on other
(3) is extinct in nature
(4) is relatively simple and has not changed much over time
(5) is at the bottom of the food chain and preyed on by others

Respuesta :

The answer is number 1 since the man-of-war only gets around by the sea's currents or pushed by air that hits its pneumatophores.


(5) is at the bottom of the food chain and preyed on by others



What fish is at the bottom of the food chain?

They include fish larvae, jellyfish, microscopic copepods and small, bottom-dwelling animals. They drift through the ocean and feed on phytoplankton.Apr 24, 2017

In addition to being a predator to several marine organisms, the Portuguese Man of War is prey for some other marine organisms.