Respuesta :
The economy of Panama is one of the most stable in America. Among the main activities are financial, tourism and logistics services, which represent 75% of GDP.
The Panamanian economy is the tenth largest economy in Latin America in terms of nominal GDP (after Costa Rica and before Bolivia) and the tenth in terms of GDP at purchasing power parity (PPA) prices (after Guatemala) and before Costa Rica). Panama has a per capita income of USD 11 849 nominal and USD 20 512 PPP.
From 2003 to 2009, GDP doubled, driven by high external and internal investment, tourism and the logistics industry, according to the World Bank, the IMF and the UN, the country has the highest per capita income in Central America, which is about $ 13,090; it is also the largest exporter and importer at the regional level according to ECLAC. GDP has grown steadily for more than twenty years in a row (1989) .The country is classified in the "investment grade" category by risk rating companies: Standard and Poors, Moody's and Fitch Ratings. .