Respuesta :

Stay away from water. Try not to wash, shower, wash dishes, or have some other contact with water during a thunderstorm because lightning can travel through a building's plumbing.

Further Explanation:

Be aware

Check the climate conjecture before taking an interest in outside exercises. In the event that the estimate calls for tempests, defer your excursion or movement, or ensure sufficient safe house is promptly accessible.  

Go inside  

Keep in mind the expression, "When thunder thunders, go inside." Find a protected, encased asylum when you hear thunder. Safe havens incorporate homes, workplaces, strip malls, and hard-top vehicles with the windows moved up.  

Hunch near the ground and isolated  

On the off chance that you are gotten in an open zone, hunker down in a ball-like position (feet and knees together) with your head tucked and hands over your ears so you are down low with insignificant contact with the ground. Try not to rests. Lightning causes electric flows along the highest point of the ground that can be fatal more than 100 feet away. Hunching down is the best mix of being low and contacting the ground as meager as could be expected under the circumstances.  


On the off chance that you are in a gathering during a rainstorm, separate from one another. This will decrease the quantity of wounds if lightning strikes the  

Answer Details:

Subject: Physics.

Level: High School

Key Words:

Be aware

Go inside  

Hunch near the ground and isolated  


For further Evaluation: