1. What role did nationalism and alliance systems play in the outbreak of the First World War?

2. What technological innovations contributed to the high death tolls during World War I?

3. Following World War I, what attempts did Europe make to try to prevent wars in the future?

4. How did the post-World War I Germany react to the world economic crisis of the 1920s and 1930s?

5. How did authoritarian governments emerge in the different countries of Spain, Germany, and Italy?

6. How did Hitler use the concept of German nationalism to provoke a war in Europe?

7. What were the strongest arguments for using the atomic bomb against Japan to end the war in the Pacific?

8. What were the historical, political, and economic factors that led to the Holocaust?

9. What are some of the 20th century genocides, and how did they come about?

10. How did the United States and the Soviet Union go from allies during the Second World War to enemies engaged in a cold war?