Mrs. Ross is a seventh grade teacher, has to choose a class representative. There are three girls and five boys who want to be the representative. She decides to roll a 6 sided die to select the class representative. In this simulation, the odd numbers on the die repetirle and the even numbers represent boys. The simulation selected is (fair or unfair), because the result of the experiment and the probability of the simulation (are the same or are not the same) ?

Respuesta :


The other person is right.

Step-by-step explanation:

The simulation selected is unfair because the result of the experiment and the probability of the simulation are not the same.

What is the probability of the simulation?


  • Mrs. Ross is a seventh-grade teacher who has to choose a class representative.
  • There are three girls and five boys who want to be the representative.
  • She decided to roll a 6 sided die to select the class representative.
  • In the simulation, the odd numbers on the die represent girls.
  • The even numbers represent boys.


  • The simulation selected is fair or not.
  • The probability of simulation is the same or not.


As there are 3 girls and in the case of girls an odd number represents the simulation. So, there are 3 girls, and on a dice there are 3 odd numbers. Therefore, for girls the probability of the simulation is the same.

But, in the case of boys, an even number represents boys. So, there are 3 even numbers on a dice but there is 5 number of boys which is unfair for them i.e., the probability of the simulation is not the same.

Hence, the simulation selected is unfair because the result of the experiment and the probability of the simulation are not the same.

To learn more about Probability, refer to: