TRANSLATE THIS. Si esta traducido y saber a toda costa así que lo que estoy diciendo estoy aterrorizado de alturas y protegeré a mi gato no meterse con ella o podría matarte así que si usted tomó el tiempo para traducir esto o sabes a español te amo mi gato!!!!!! if you know what I said then...

Respuesta :

It translates to: If this translated and know at all costs as well as what I am saying I am terrified of heights and I will protect my cat not to mess with it or it might kill you so if you took the time to translate this or you know Spanish I love my cat!

If this translated and know at all costs so what I'm saying I'm terrified of height and I will protect my cat from messing with it or I could kill you so if you took the time to translate this or you know Spanish I love you my cat.