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For years, cholesterol has been a major concern for millions of people around the world. The fear of cholesterol has led to many people going to specialists like physicians and nutritionists. The people have heard stories from family and friends who have had high cholesterol and they fear heart disease and other crippling diseases like Atherosclerosis and Heart Disease the risk of these diseases increases as the blood Cholesterol rises. Most people don't know what this molecule is; it is help full if there are not to many of them. The majority of the population is conscious of the harm that cholesterol can cause, but they are not aware that it has useful values to our body. Over 25% of the population of the United jStates has elevated cholesterol. There are two major forms that cholesterol comes in: 1) Low Density Lipoprotein, which is generally considered "bad" cholesterol or (LDL's) and 2) High Density Lipoprotein, which is known as "good" cholesterol or (HDL's). Although given these names, there is nothing inherently good or bad about them. The facts coming up will clarify a lot of the misconceptions that are associated with cholesterol and the overall effect that cholesterol has on the human body. .
Cholesterol is a soft, fat like substance made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, that is found in all the body's cells and is used to form cell membranes, assemble hormones and other necessary substances. It is an organic compound belonging to the Cholesterol family that also encompass steroids. Cholesterol is produced two ways. The first is by the liver. The liver produces about 50,000,000,000,000,000 cholesterol molecules a second, or about 1,000 mg of cholesterol a day. But the liver also removes some Cholesterol from the blood. The second is by the intake of the foods eaten like animal fats (saturated and polysaturated fats) such as cheese, lard, egg yolks, red or marbled meat, pork, processed meat, gravies, palm or coconut oil, deep fried foods, whole milk, butter.
Cholesterol is a soft, fat like substance made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, that is found in all the body's cells and is used to form cell membranes, assemble hormones and other necessary substances. It is an organic compound belonging to the Cholesterol family that also encompass steroids. Cholesterol is produced two ways. The first is by the liver. The liver produces about 50,000,000,000,000,000 cholesterol molecules a second, or about 1,000 mg of cholesterol a day. But the liver also removes some Cholesterol from the blood. The second is by the intake of the foods eaten like animal fats (saturated and polysaturated fats) such as cheese, lard, egg yolks, red or marbled meat, pork, processed meat, gravies, palm or coconut oil, deep fried foods, whole milk, butter.