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(I'm assuming you meant Type 2, so let's go along with that.) Well, Anita must start off by cutting off the majority of sugar from her dieting, perhaps opting for fruit and vegetables rather than packets of chips and candy bars as her go-to snacks. Saturated fats, salt and processed foods will also play a large part as her main enemies, therefore resulting in her to most likely start cooking her own meals.

Carbohydrates - which are often found in grains, bread, pasta, milk, sweets, fruit, and starchy vegetables - are broken down into glucose in the blood faster than other types of food, which raises blood sugar levels. An important fact to remember is that refined white flour doesn’t contain the same health benefits as whole grains, therefore processed foods made with white flour - such as breakfast cereals, white bread, white rice, pasta and pastries - must be avoided. However, not all carbs are harmful. Whole grains - such as wild rice, quinoa, whole grain bread and cereals contain fibre, which is beneficial for digestive health. Whole grains also contain healthy vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, all extremely beneficial to the human body.

We're also told that protein is vital for developing muscles, and white processed deli meats and hot dogs may contain a fair amount of protein, they also contain much more fat and bundles of unneeded sodium, also leading to higher chance of developing high blood pressure. Instead, opt for lean proteins low in saturated fat, like fish or turkey. Aim for two or three servings of seafood each week, too. Some fish- like salmon - have the added benefit of containing heart-healthy omega-3 fats. For vegetarian protein sources, experiment with the wide variety of beans. Nuts, which are protein and healthy fats powerhouses, are also a great choice — just watch portion sizes as they're very high in calories.

All in all, Anita should fill half her plate with non-starchy vegetables. Round out the meal with other healthy choices, too — whole grains, nuts and seeds, lean protein, low-fat dairy, and small portions of fresh fruits and healthy fats. Not only will she be left satisfied with a full stomach, but live a healthier lifestyle too.