This table of sailing records shows the year and speed of each yacht in its transatlantic journey. Each yacht sailed from the Ambrose Light Tower in New York to Lizard Point in England for a total of 3364 statute miles.
1) A yacht’s speed is measured in knots or nautical miles per hour. What was the average speed in knots or nautical miles per hour for the Atlantic and the Playstation?
2)Use the table of Unit Conversions and convert the nautical miles per hour you obtained from the previous question to statute miles per hour for the Atlantic and the Playstation
3)First, divide 3364 statute miles by the statute miles per hour you obtained from the previous question for the Atlantic and Playstation. This will find the number of hours it took each yacht to traverse the Atlantic Ocean. Then answer this question: what was the time difference by which the Playstation beat the Atlantic?
4)There are 360 degrees of longitude at the equator. The length of a nautical mile initially represented 1/60 degree of longitude at the equator, and is quite close to that measurement today. About how many nautical miles is the circumference of the Earth at the equator?