Respuesta :
The role of images in popular cultures have a strong effect in our views of gender in modern society. In fact gender stereotype are often use in media in order to create humorous situations Afterwards, popular culture add value to these things. You can see that gender stereotypes coincides with the society expectation.
For example ( be careful I take this part from an article ) "Males are presented as tough and emotionless while females are portrayed as influential and emotional. Although there are a few exceptions to stereotypical behavior and image, the majority of characters fit the molds. "
And who do you think is most sensible of this gender stereotypes ?? YOUNG PEOPLE.
Furthermore, counselors and educators at schools do everything in their power to deemphasize gender stereotypes presented in media but this is in vain.
As research shows, media effects on young people'choice, self-acceptation and MOST OF ALL CAREER OPTIONS.
Finally, the modern society is extremely affected by gender stereotypes because the popular cultures add values on that. Popular cultures are represented as "models" so everyone want to think like them, be like them.
Now you have to develop more !
Ask me if you have any questions ! Hope this helps !
For example ( be careful I take this part from an article ) "Males are presented as tough and emotionless while females are portrayed as influential and emotional. Although there are a few exceptions to stereotypical behavior and image, the majority of characters fit the molds. "
And who do you think is most sensible of this gender stereotypes ?? YOUNG PEOPLE.
Furthermore, counselors and educators at schools do everything in their power to deemphasize gender stereotypes presented in media but this is in vain.
As research shows, media effects on young people'choice, self-acceptation and MOST OF ALL CAREER OPTIONS.
Finally, the modern society is extremely affected by gender stereotypes because the popular cultures add values on that. Popular cultures are represented as "models" so everyone want to think like them, be like them.
Now you have to develop more !
Ask me if you have any questions ! Hope this helps !