Code to be written in Python
Correct answer will be awarded Brainliest
In this task, we will be finding a possible solution to number puzzles like 'SAVE' + 'MORE' = 'MONEY'. Each alphabet represents a digit. You are required to implement a function addition_puzzle that returns a dictionary containing alphabet-digit mappings that satisfy the equation. Note that if there are multiple solutions, you can return any valid solution. If there is no solution, then your function should return False.
>>> addition_puzzle('ANT', 'MAN', 'COOL')
{'A': 8, 'C': 1, 'L': 9, 'M': 6, 'N': 7, 'O': 5, 'T': 2}
>>> addition_puzzle('AB', 'CD', 'E')
ANT + MAN = COOL: 872 + 687 = 1559
AB + CD = E: The sum of two 2-digit numbers must be at least a two-digit number.
Your solution needs to satisfy 2 conditions:
The leftmost letter cannot be zero in any word.
There must be a one-to-one mapping between letters and digits. In other words, if you choose the digit 6 for the letter M, then all of the M's in the puzzle must be 6 and no other letter can be a 6.
addition_puzzle takes in at least 3 arguments. The last argument is the sum of all the previous arguments.
Note: The test cases are small enough, don't worry too much about whether or not your code will run within the time limit.
def addition_puzzle(*args):
pass # your code here