The network of actions listed below will help your business by developing a new system. The numbers display how many days are needed to complete each task.
A computer network is a collection of interconnected computing devices that may share resources and exchange data. These networked devices use a set of rules called communications protocols to send data across wired or wireless technologies. Let's react to a few computer networking-related commonly asked questions (FAQs).
Computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, peripherals, and other devices are interconnected to create a network in order to share data. A network is an example of. At their core, local area networks (LANs) and wide-area networks are two different types of networks (WANs). LANs connect computers and auxiliary equipment inside a constrained physical location, such as a business office, lab, or college campus, using quick-transmitting links (wires, Ethernet cables, fiber optics, and Wi-Fi). the world's largest network of connections, the Internet.
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