the questions of information ownership and the prices for the exchange of this information are related to which ethical issue?

Respuesta :

The stockholder theory, the stakeholder theory, and the social contract theory are the three most prominent normative theories of business ethics.

Currently, a lot of people in the field of business ethics don't like the stockholder theory.

Which hypothesis of standardizing business morals tries to make esteem?

Managers are obligated under the Stakeholder theory to carry out projects in a manner that is compatible with the well-being of society. The objective of this theory of normative business ethics is to create value for individuals in a fair and nondiscriminatory manner.

What are the four theories of normative ethics?

Character-based ethics, deontology, teleology, consequentialism, and other types of ethical theory are not ethical theories in and of themselves. The majority of people consider natural moral law to be one type of deontological theory; Another is Kant's Categorical Imperative theory.

To learn more about stockholder theory here: