Guided Question #11 of 11 (Mandatory) - Can we
reconcile human rights and cultural relativism?
Throughout the semester, you have learned about a number of cultural customs -- like wife abuse among the Yanomami or female
circumcision in Somalia -- that can painful physical and psychological consequences for the persons subjected to these traditions. For
this is assignment, I want you to consider what you would do as an anthropologist regarding these customs based on what you have
learned about the work of anthropology throughout the semester. Would you work to eliminate these customs because they cause
harm to some members of the community? Or, would avoid changing any aspect of these cultures simply because their customs
offend our sensibilities? You should be prepared to write approximately one paragraph (i.e., 4 or more sentences). Although there is
no right or wrong answer, you need to address this issue based on the concepts or ethnographic facts you have learned in class.