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Aidan´s is a Runner, he's a track star.
Aidan Christafer, Smith was a weird man and did not have any friends. He was a world class runner and has been divorced 6 times. He had an atistic kid who died at the age of 2. He goes to therapy daily and has never had a true relationship with any woman. He has been running his whole life and has not had anyone that appreciates him. He is trying to earn some money to impress his grandma. He would be trying to impress his mother but he killed her when he was 2 with a gun. As a kid he was never really accepted as a son but more as another person to feed. Growing up he was always a good kid with good grades and a low amount of feed. He would win Cross country meets week after week for years, but this never made his family proud of him. On his 16th birthday he had his only friend Tate at his party because no one else showed up. Not even his family showed up. He said to Tate “Well we were going to play a game but no one else is here, but even my mom.” Tate replied, “it is ok we can just go to Top golf.” Aidan says “ok sounds great.” They were diving up to top golf when the car in front of them suddenly breaks. “Tate stop.” Screamed Aidan.