Weight gain is the most often the criterion for determining the effectiveness of treatment in the client diagnosed with anorexia nervosa.
- Antidepressant medicines have been demonstrated to be beneficial for patients with bulimia nervosa, but the use of psychotropic medications is restricted for anorexia nervosa.
- The best results from treatment come from multidisciplinary, team-based approaches.
- One of the most damaging myths regarding anorexia is that all sufferers are dangerously under weight. While some may find this to be the case, many anorexics may appear to be in good health while they are actually undernourished (deficient in important nutrients).
- Anorexia in individuals who are not underweight is referred to as atypical anorexia.
- Anorexia has a number of serious medical side effects. It may result in undernourishment, low blood pressure, slower breathing and heartbeat, as well as harm to the heart and heart function.
- Along with electrolyte abnormalities and extreme dehydration, it can also induce. These symptoms might be fatal(Weight gain) in some situations.
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