The greatest common divisor for all eight digit integer is 10001
How to find greatest common divisor?
The greatest positive number that is a common factor of both the positive integers (a, b) is what is known as the greatest common divisor for a set of positive integers (a, b) (a, b). Since 1 is always the least positive integer that any two numbers have in common, the GCD of any two integers is never negative or zero. The two numbers' greatest common divisor can be found in one of two ways:
The common divisors are discovered
Utilizing Euclid's algorithm
Any number written in the form of abcdabcd can we written as
(abcd * 10000) + abcd
abcd ( 10000 + 1)
abcd ( 10001)
∴ The greatest common divisor of all eight- digit number is 10001
To learn more about finding greatest common divisor from the given link