5) toxic effects of the rise of oxygen gas on the planet as a consequence of oxygenic photosynthesis. a. write the formulas for the super-oxide and peroxide ions. b. how does the cell detoxify these free radicals? be able to name one of the enzymes or vitamins involved.

Respuesta :

a. O2-+O2-+2H+-->O2+H2O2

b. H2O2+H2O2-->O2+2H2O

Moreover, Conversely, when oxygen concentrations are higher, the atmosphere thickens and scatters more sunlight. As a result, there is less water vapor to trap heat. Adding the effects of oxygen during other time periods could lead to more accurate models of the planet's past, the researchers say. During oxygenic photosynthesis, light energy transfers electrons from water (H2O) taken up by plant roots to CO2 to form carbohydrates. In this transfer, CO2 is "reduced" or gains electrons, and water is "oxidized" or loses electrons. Oxygen is produced along with carbohydrates.

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