While his group meets, Garth wears headphones and listens to music on his phone. He dances and occasionally even sings along. He doesn't engage in group conversations, and numerous people have expressed their displeasure to the group leader about his behaviour. Garth is fulfilling an Egocentric role.
Egocentrism is the incapacity to recognise that another person's perspective or opinion may differ from their own. It is an example of cognitive bias since it is difficult for someone to consider that someone else could have a different viewpoint than their own.
On the other side, a person with egotistical behaviour lacks self-awareness. This indicates that they are unaware of their aptitudes, capabilities, and strengths and flaws. They are also unaware of how other people view them. Egocentric person who lack self-awareness always presume the best and believe they are always correct.
To learn more about Egocentric, refer