Robert Green-leaf defined SERVANT LEADER through a char-acter in a novel who per-forms the lowliest, mo-st menial tasks for the gro-up.
The servant leader is ser-vant first. It begins with the nat-ural feeling that one wa-nts to serve, to serve fi-rst. - Robert K. Green-leaf. Servant Leader-ship is a non tradit-ional leader-ship philosophy, embed-ded in a set of beha-viors and practices that pla-ce the primary emp-hasis on the well be-ing of those being ser-ved.
While servant leader-ship is a time-less concept, the phr-ase “servant leader-ship” was coin-ed by Robert K. Greenleaf in The Serv-ant as Leader, an essay that he first publ-ished in 1970.
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