for each of the following powers of the president, determine whether it is the: (1) house of representatives only (2) senate only (3) both of houses of congress (4) courts or (5) no one that check or place a limit on this power.

Respuesta :

For each of the follow-ing powers of the presi-dent, it is the: (1) house of representatives only. The most signi-ficant role in the House of Represent-atives is that of spea-ker of the House.

What is house of representatives ?

As per the Consti-tution, the U.S. House of Representatives ma-kes and pass-es federal laws. The House is one of Congress's two cham-bers (the other is the U.S. Senate), and pa-rt of the federal govern-ment's legislative bran-ch.

House of Representatives, one of the two hou-ses of the bicam-eral United States Congress, estab-lished in 1789 by the Constitution of the Uni-ted States. The House of Represent-atives origin-ally comp-rised 59 members.

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