We have the electoral college and not popular vote because not all the qualified citizens are informed completely for the same.
What is electoral college and why is there no popular vote while having electoral college?
- Electoral college was an election field for the voting and updating of a president , a part of the constitution.
- The electoral college of US was established by the farmers of the Unites states , and the winner of the election considered being the head.
- The voting system was such that the candidate getting most popular vote would have assigned the seat of president.
- The voting is done in a way that on monday the voters cast their votes and the most popular votes awarded.
- The state parties cast their votes initially than the others like general electors .
- And all the votes would go to the candidate winning with most popular votes in the electoral college.
- Hence we have the electoral college but not the popular vote because of lack in intimidating citizens of that.
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