If the bank charges you 9% interest per year for the monthly payments on a loan to acquire the lot, it will take you 4 years until you own the land free and clear. The monthly payment would be $805.76.
The fee paid for the right to borrow money is called interest. In contrast to how the interest rate used to compute interest is normally expressed, which is as an annual percentage rate, interest expense or revenue is frequently expressed as a dollar figure (APR). Interest is the payment a lender or financial organization makes in exchange for extending credit. A stockholder's ownership stake in a corporation, which is typically expressed as a percentage, is another definition of interest.
The idea of interest is to reward one party for taking a risk and giving up the chance to utilize money, while penalizing another for using someone else's payments. The individual who temporarily parted payments with their money has a right to recompense, and the person who temporarily used those assets is frequently obligated to provide this compensation.
Learn more about interest here