70 mmHg will convert to 9.333kpa pressure SI units while 20 mmHg will convert to 16kpa pressure SI units.
Absolute pressure for 70 mmHg is 110.658kpa
Absolute pressure for 120 mmHg is 117.325kpa
Converting 70 mmHg and 120 mmHg into SI pressure units:
If 760 mmHg=101.325kpa
∴ 70 mmHg=?
= 70*101.325/760
So 70 mmHg will be 9.333kpa
If 760 mmHg=101.325kpa
∴120 mmHg=?
So 120 mmHg will be 16kpa
Blood pressure is generally measured in mmHg because mercury is used in the thermometers, so it is convenient to measure the pressure by rise in height of mercury in the thermometer.
However pressure measured by the thermometer is always gauge pressure, given by:
[tex]P_{gauge} =P_{abs} -P_{0}[/tex], where [tex]P_{0}[/tex] is atmospheric pressure and [tex]P_{abs}[/tex] is absolute pressure.
We now calculate absolute pressure for [tex]P_{1}[/tex] 70 mmHg and [tex]P_{2}[/tex] 120 mmHg,
[tex]P_{1} abs=P_{1} g+P_{0}[/tex]
[tex]P_{2} abs=P_{2} g+P_{0[/tex]
Learn more about pressures here: